frequently asked questions
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
Click on Getting Started and see the section on how to proceed. It tells you to begin with the Required Content, watching the videos on each of the 8 units there and also completing the associated activities from the list on the Required Activities page. Once you have watched all the Required Content videos and completed all the Required Activities, complete your CDA by choosing Elective Courses. Once all your Elective Courses are completed, complete your CDA Portfolio.
I can't get a video to play.
The videos are hosted by a reliable server and should work perfectly. If you are having trouble, try opening the link with a different browser or using a different machine. You may find that viewing the video on your phone is less reliable than viewing on a computer or laptop.
The video plays but It doesn't have any sound.
Check first that sound on your device is unmuted and that also the video itself is not muted. Make certain the volume is turned up to a listenable level. Try also opening the link with a different browser or using a different machine.
I can't complete one of the Required Activities.
Sometimes a Required Activity doesn't quite fit your current teaching situation. If that is so, email us at and we'll help you find an alternative activity. All Required Activities must be completed one way or another.
I can't remember what I've already done.
We will keep a log of all your Required Activities and completed Elective Courses, so if you need to know what you have remaining to do, just email us and we'll share your log with you.
I need to watch a video a second time.
No problem. You may watch the videos for both the Required Content and for the Elective Courses as many times as you like.
I already took one of the Elective Courses that I want to use for the CDA.
If you took an Elective Course online from The Skillful Teacher, then we will have a record of your completion. You may apply that course to your CDA without re-taking it. Just let us know that you want to apply your previous completion to your CDA electives.
I already took Child Care Basics from you. Do I need to take the Required Content?
If you took Child Care Basics online from The Skillful Teacher, then you may skip the Required Content and go straight to the Elective Courses. Email us to confirm that we have your Child Care Basics completion on file. If you took Child Care Basics from another provider, then you must complete the Required Content.
I need more time.
You may take a full calendar year to complete your Video 120 CDA. We find that setting a deadline for completion helps you stay on track and actually get things done. If, though, you find that you are running out of time, please email us to let us know. We can help you find a solution.
I have a different question
If the answer to your question isn't here, just email us at Email is the very quickest way to get a response. We want you to be happy!