

To complete your 120-hour CDA preparation, you must complete electives corresponding to each of the eight units. Each unit requires from 2 to 5 elective courses. Choose your electives from the roster of online video-based courses presented by The Skillful Teacher. These courses are available to you at no additional charge.

Here's how to select your electives and receive the links to the videos of your choice.

electives chart.png

Review how many electives you need for the unit you wish to complete. A chart of the electives you need is at the right.

Next, go to the online course page. Read the descriptions and choose your electives carefully.

Courses that are not eligible for inclusion as a CDA elective are clearly marked; do not choose one of those.

Courses that are eligible for inclusion as CDA electives are marked with the Unit to which they can be applied.

Then, send an email with your request to info@patricianananderson.com. We will send you the link to your course choice(s). Do NOT click on the Add to Cart button below the course description to avoid triggering the payment screen. Remember, the cost of your electives is included in your CDA enrollment. You should not pay for your electives.

Finally, enjoy your elective courses and send in the required 3-part reflection indicated at the end of each one. Dr. Anderson will read your thoughts and comment back to you.

Tips and suggestions

  • If you accidentally trigger the payment screen, simply remove your purchase from the screen to return to a zero balance.
  • Choose your courses wisely. Once a link has been sent to you, it cannot be changed for a different course. 
  • It is a good idea to select your courses only one or two at a time, instead of requesting all of them at once. New courses from The Skillful Teacher are created throughout the year and it's nice to have "saved" an elective to use on that perfect course when it appears.
  • Courses you previously took online from The Skillful Teacher may be eligible to apply to this program. Applying a previously-completed course to your CDA helps you complete your CDA quicker. Let us know if there is a course you took online from us that you'd like to apply to your CDA.
  • We'd like you to complete your entire Video 120 CDA program within one calendar year. However, previously completed courses may have been taken up to five years prior to your Video 120 CDA ending date. And if you need more time, just let us know.
  • We will keep a log of your progress. If you need to know what you've completed and what you have yet to do, email us and we'll share your log with you.